Development Server is nothing more than Apache Edit src/App.js and save to reload. ES6 VS JSX JSX can contain H5 > flutter create batbomb > npx create-react-app my-react-app > flutter run > npm install // installs dependencies BY THE Way go to that DIR first To run a React.js project on the development server from the command line CLI, DGuy typically uses the npm (Node Package Manager) scripts defined in your project's `package.json` file. 1 - Run the Development Server: In your project's directory, run the command to start the development server. Typically, this command is defined in your `package.json` file under the `scripts` section, often named as `start` or `dev`. You can run it using: > npm start |||| OR |||| > npm run start 2 - Acccess Your Project: Once the server starts, DGuy can access the React.js project in a web browser by navigating to the specified address. By default, http://localhost:3000 Remember, the exact commands might vary slightly depending on how DGuy's project is set up and what scripts are defined in the `package.json` file, but `npm start` or `npm run start` is the most common command to start the development server for a React.js project. flutter r for soft reload R for recompile and reload In Flutter's context, "reload" typically refers to hot reload, a feature that allows DGuy to quickly see the effects of code changes during development without restarting the entire application. When you run `flutter run` in your terminal, hot reload can be triggered by pressing either "r" or "R". The difference between the lowercase "r" and the uppercase "R" lies in the scope of the reload: 1. **Lowercase "r" (hot reload):** This reloads only the changed files and updates the UI accordingly. It maintains the state of the app, which means that if you were on a particular screen or had some data loaded, those will remain unchanged. 2. **Uppercase "R" (full restart):** This completely restarts the application, meaning it rebuilds the entire app from scratch. It's like closing and reopening the app. This can be slightly slower than hot reload because it has to recreate the entire app's state. So, the difference lies in the extent of the reload: lowercase "r" reloads only changed files with minimal disruption, while uppercase "R" restarts the entire application. r - only the parts which change |||| R - completely restarts the entire application Warning: ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18. Use createRoot instead. Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as if it's running React 17. Learn more: > flutter doctor React development does not have a built-in tool similar to " > flutter doctor " which checks DGuy's system for prerequisites and configuration issues. However, there are third-party tools and scripts that developers use to check their development environment for compatibility and dependencies. For example, you can use npm or yarn to check for outdated packages in your React project by running npm outdated or yarn outdated. Additionally, tools like ESLint and Prettier can help maintain code quality and consistency within your React project. While there isn't a single command like " > flutter doctor " specific to React development, these tools combined can help ensure your React environment is set up correctly and your project is in good shape.